Alison Rankin
November 2013
Name: Alison Rankin.
Age: 42
Occupation: Accountant.
Years in Triathlon: I did the TTC try – a – tri in 2006, and then Newtownabbey in September that year.
Triathlon Highlights or recent performances: The first IM 70.3 in Galway was very enjoyable, despite that fact that they lost my trophy when I won my age group, but the highlight of my competitions was probably the Metalman Olympic in Rosses - Point because I was raised in the village and assisted at the water rescue and feed stations of the all- Ireland triathlons held there when I was a child, when I never imagined that I one day would be a “triathlete”.
Current Goal: To try to shake off the nagging Achilles problem that I have had all year!
Next Year’s Goal: I entered the Escape from Alcatraz lottery and amazingly got a place, but the whole trip is just too costly and time consuming for 2014 with other commitments both personal and professional. I would like to try next year to complete all the races that I enter, if I can keep the injuries at bay!
Favourite Training Sessions: Anything with the club. Bricks hurt but they are essential and are much more bearable when we complete them as a team.
What made you take up the sport? I was constantly injured when I was concentrating on running only, and my brother advised me to take up triathlon.
Favourite food/drink: During races I drink cranberry juice and water mixed, and I eat mini snickers! My favourite après – race meal is Fillet steak, dauphinoise potatoes and a glass of red wine!
Favourite bit of kit/equipment: I could not survive a run without my garmin, and I love my bungee swim rope for training whilst on holidays.
Who do you see as your main rivals? Every girl in my age group.
Finish this sentence: If I wasn’t training I would be mad as a hatter! Healthy body, healthy mind!